701 Crosby Street
Chester, PA 19013
Pennsylvania offers assistance and other services to people and families in need. You can submit applications and renewals at your local county assistance office drop box or online using COMPASS. Caseworkers are available at the county assistance office to help you and answer your questions in person or over the phone, if the office is closed to the public.
Available benefits and services include:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Cash Assistance
Health Care Coverage (Medical Assistance)
Home Heating Assistance (LIHEAP)
Family Planning Services
Help with Child Care
School Meals
Long-Term Living Services
Also an office in Darby:
845 Main Street
Darby, PA 19023
Darby, PA
Service Categories
Cash Assistance, Child Care Assistance, Food Stamp Applications, Health Care Assistance/Support, In-home Services, LIHEAP, Prescription Assistance