This site is designed to help you find information and resources for you or your loved one. Searching for resources can be confusing and overwhelming. We hope to not only answer your questions but also help you identify other questions along the way.

We encourage you to explore the entire site or to access programs and services directly according to your needs.

To fully explore how the site works try:

Learning Library or “Learn About”

This section contains articles and links that can help you understand and solve problems. This library contains information on both national and local programs. When you find helpful information elsewhere, let us know so we can consider adding it. The Learning Library also helps to identify issues and possible options, and prepares you to speak with local agencies.


Service Provider Database

Once you have identified your issues, the words agency staff use, and some available options, you might want to know who to contact next. There are several helpful groups who may be able to provide help at no charge:


  1. Government Aging or Disability groups such as:
  2. Senior Centers and Disability Support Agencies
  3. Direct Service Providers (helpful when you know exactly what services you need)


Getting Started or “Assess My Needs”

Sometimes you just don’t know where to start. That’s OK – this can be stressful. This tool provides a different way to access and search the above two sections. We provide common subject areas and a simple checkbox list for you to use.

 Use the system for as long as you need to. Our goal is that when you feel it’s time to call someone, you will have the background information you need and be comfortable and confident.  Call us, COSA, at 610-490-1300 if you have questions or to initiate the COSA assessment process.

If you are not a resident of Delaware County, for further information on other services for older Pennsylvanians and their caregivers, including home-delivered meals, insurance counseling, senior employment, senior community centers, and caregiver resources, or if you are ready to get started, please call our Information and Referral Department at 610-490-1300 or visit

We hope you are able to find what you are looking for and welcome your comments on how to make the site easier to use.